Thursday, March 29, 2012

February 2012

Everett is eleven months old and her walking really got going this month. She can turn and squat to pick things up without falling. She can unvelcro her shoes and take them off. She loves getting rides on Shady's dog bed. She goes over to it and sits down in the middle and then smiles at you, like "Okay, I'm ready." She like's patrick's the best because they're the fastest and craziest. She eats mostly table foods now. She cries when one of us leaves and stranger anxiety has definitely started. She got her first fever this month. We tease Grama that Everett clutching things in her left hand while she caries on about her day is taking after her clutching a kleenex. We planted a peach tree in the front yard. We meant to plant a tree when she was born, but I guess we got busy, so this one is to celebrate that she is turning one next month. Oona came into town for a visit and we were able to get a lot of old friends together at our house. Linda, Rick and TJ came down to visit at the end of the month. We spent a night at Fanning Springs State Park in one of the cabins. We went on a rain hike in the evening, but didn't see any manatees until our morning hike. They kept their distance though.We drove over to Cedar Key for lattes and a walk around town.

We celebrated TJs birthday early at La Fiesta. He looked great eating his ice cream under the giant birthday sombrero.We took some family portraits before TJ and Patrick drove down to see Janet and Linda and Rick had to fly home.
The garage to family room remodel and replacement of insulation and heating and cooling went into full swing this month too.

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