Friday, September 2, 2011


August was full of fun! Patrick went to San Diego for Casey and Karla's wedding and Laura's friend Tiffany came for a visit. Everett stated exploring food this month, so it has been messy! She also started crawling and is motivated most by coors light cans, grama's watch and paper. Laura made gators onsies and maternity tank tops that Miracles Boutique is selling on consignment. They are even displayed on the mannequins in the front window! The grass finally came in to cover the dirt in the front yard from the septic repair and the trees are trimmed. We're all ready for fall to bring cooler temps so we can enjoy being out in the yard with Everett.


"the eyebrow"

a pool in the kitchen, why not?

Rattles ....are.......AWESOME!

 "Itty Bitty in the tub gettin tipsy"

Everett had a great time with Tiff

First bananas. It was so fun, but grama spent a long time working on the onsie after. Who knew bananas stain? (grama knew, that's who.)

first pureed food: sweet potatoes