Monday, January 2, 2012


Decemeber was a fun month, especially celebrating Everett's first Christmas. We took her to see the Christmas lights around the duck pond at North Florida Regional Medical Center on the 5th.

We had Christmas Eve and Christmas morning at Mom and Dad's, with Christmas dinner at Marjorie and Art's.

Opening her first Christmas present, a little block, one of 20 we individually wrapped.

new gator walk behind toy, she walks all over the place with this thing. Needs to figure out reverse still though.

The day after Christmas we took off to St. Augustine for a one night trip just the three of us. After playing at an awesome playground and lunch in the Old Town shopping district, we drove down the beach at sunset. We got a giggle out of driving down A1A later that night singing "On Top of Spaghetti" over and over to put Everett to sleep and then watching football because it was the only thing that was remotely reasonable to watch on mute in the hotel room. A bit different from our last trip to the beach just the two of us!!

This month Everett got her 3rd, 4th and 5th teeth, started pointing at things and asking "dat?", shaking her head "no", handing you things, putting things "in", giving real hugs, waving and saying "hi" spontaneously (even to things like empty bathrooms), standing without holding on, walking behind push toys, and she even took one step. She took her first bath with free range of the big tub. At her 9 month check up, she weighed 19 pounds 10 ounces and was 62nd percentile for weight, 63rd for height and 99th for head circumference. We like to think big brain but several people have pointed out "thick skulled" as a possibility, given her genetics.

helping Daddy fix cabinets

We had a New Year's Eve bonfire which turned into a high school reunion of sorts with me, Jenny, Tom, Sheila, Frank, Ido and Ryan all in one place 16 years later!

Christmas brings out the love between Turbo and Tony, brothers from different mothers

Check out all these teeth!

like father, like daughter