Monday, April 30, 2012

March 2012

 Everett turned one on the 7th!

  We had a little family party for her with Grama and Grampa and Marjorie and Art.

We had spaghetti and cupcakes.

  She got clothes from Grandma and Grandpa Aeder, books from Grama and Grampa and one from Aunt Stef and Uncle Nathan a popper push toy from Marjorie and Art and a tool set from Mike, Casey and Hank. Patrick and Laura got a molded plaster hand that Grama and Grampa made from an impression of Everett's little hand.
It warmed up enough to spend lots of time outside.

 We spent 3 days at Rosemary Beach near Destin with Brian, Tina, Rohan and Uma. They hadn't met Everett yet, so it was great to get together. We spent time on the sugar sand beaches and Everett loved imitating cool cousin Uma scooping with her little shovel. She loved the waves and had no fear. We went to the pool, walked around the little town and played Guitar Hero with Rohan.

Laura's college roommate Scott was in town for a conference for a few days so they got to catch up after not seeing each other for 13 years!