Saturday, March 26, 2011

3 weeks old

Mom and TJ visitied for 10 days and Dad came for the last 4 days. Had our first dinner out with Everett at La Fiesta. She slept through it so we were brave enough to eat out at Sisters, Flying Biscuit and BJ's to celebrate Dad's 60th birthday. Tried out lots of different slings and Everett was very vocal about her opinions of them. Seems to like the moby wrap okay (when she's asleep). We'll keep working on it. We went on lots of walks to Starbucks and walked the Devil's Millhopper. Patrick and Dad spent an entire day installing shocks on the SUV and now she rides like a cloud. Everett met Oona and Curtis and Scott for the first time and we had two nice visits with Oona and Curtis. Everett volunteered for the school of midwifery as a "healthy newborn" for them to learn the newborn exam. Patrick and I were invited to the question and answer time at the midwves cooperative prenatal classes for the next group of parents to be. I went to the mom's meet-up at the midwives office and met some nice women there. Everett is enjoying new girlie clothes from aunt Stef and cousin Lucy, especially the little sun dresses. She likes batting at the hanging toys on the play mat and spends more time awake now. She likes baths and laying on her changing table listening to music and looking at the picture cousin Hank painted. She weighs 11 pounds now.

Hangin with uncle TJ

Celebrating Everett with chocolate cigars

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

First Driving Lesson

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Week 2

Hard to believe Everett is a week old! We planned our first family outing, a trip to the grocery store to buy diapers, but had to postpone it several hours when we realized the septic system had overflowed in the front yard! When we finally made it to Publix Patrick carried her in the Ergo and we managed to handle a trip to the grocery store without incident....unless you count the 19 year old guy cashier asking me when the next one is due! Ouch. Took a walk with mom with her in the Ergo up to starbucks which felt good. Also took her to Westside park for a walk in the stroller. Trying to nurse discretely in public was hilarious. Ended up with the blanket over my head to cover us both at one point. Check up at the pediatrician went very well. Her weight is up a pound and three ounces from six days ago. You go girl! This week she started to smile, mostly in her sleep, but it is so cute. Her umbilical cord finally fell off and we are embarking on the adventure of cloth diapers. They are a *little* big on her right now.

Does this diaper make my butt look big?

Loving her toes!

Patrick said she either looks like a boxer or a jedi in her bath towel.

baby butt

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Grandma Janet's visit

Patrick's mom arrived on Saturday the 12th to meet her first grandbaby. We had a wonderful visit including Everett's first stroller ride through the neighborhood (my first fresh air and walk since she was born). Everett spent lots of time staring up at her grandma. We had a nice visit with Tim, Jen, Frank and Andrew....sadly a chance to say goodbye to Tim and Jen as they are moving to Utah.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Everett Days 4 and 5

Everett had her second pediatrician's visit and all was well. Patrick and I brought her back in our room at night to try to see how nights will be when grandmas aren't here. She slept like a champion in her swing and we got to sleep in two hour stretches. We've had our share of laughs from the blowout poopy diaper requiring an emergency bath and the fountains of pee that soak all three of us during diaper changes to laughing so hard I cried when Patrick said the outfit I put her in made her look like a clown. All I could picture was little suspenders and a giant bow tie! She is starting to have periods of awake time where she just looks at you for up to 30 minutes and you just melt

Hanging out with daddy

Sleeping in my popazon

Tummy time in my craddle

Clown outfit - picture a bowtie and suspenders

Align Centerit's cool, whatever...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Everett - Day 3

Last night we slept in shifts, which is good, because today was much busier than expected. We had several visitors today including our midwives, Jesse, Donna, and Lynn. Ms. Everett met her great Aunt and Uncle Marjorie and Art and spent some time with grandpa Davidson. Joanna brought over a wonderful arroz con pollo and cute girly clothes for the baby. Joanna while holding Everett start to get "schnocky"(cry). It was very sweet. Laura and I are trying to nap when we can. So far our desire to spent time with the little one is stronger than the need for sleep. We are told this will not last.



Aunt Marjorie



burping lessons


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Everett - Day 2


Visit by Judy

What are you doing in my bed?

Our first day was filled with surprises, including having to take little Everett to the pediatricians for her first visit. Everything went well and we spent the rest of the day eating, sleeping. Linda gets the MVP for allowing Laura and I to get some much needed sleep by staying up with her most of the night. Today Mrs. Judy came by and gave Everett a few tests which she passed. I think it was too easy, she slept through most of it. There are no appointments today, just a busy schedule of eating, sleeping and a ... laundry, not necessarily in that order.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Everett Joy Aeder

Everett Joy Aeder was born at home on March 7th at 2:24 am. She was 7.5 lbs and 20.25 inches. She was born with her hand next to her head and likes to keep her hands close to her face. She has a good strong latch and good appetite. She seems to recognize her mom and dad's voices and has a sweet and calm disposition. She was born with a full head of hair that looks light brown however is still pending an official ruling. We are completely in love with her and feel very fortunate that she has decided to join us, even if she was 13 days late.