Tuesday, April 12, 2011


April was busy and fun. Everett went to her first backyard party at Scott and Steph's, her first spring arts festival downtown with Tonya, and her first breakfast at Waffle House. Laura had a wonderful birthday. Started with a walk and breakfast with Jenny and Maggie and then birthday dinner at Blue Highway. We left Everett with mom for the first time and had dinner just the two of us. We celebrated my birthday with family at mom and dads the next day. Laura got approved to reduce her hours at work to 20 hours a week. Everett went on lots of morning stroller walks on the shaded path in Tioga and evening walks in the Moby. She can hold her head up when she's on her stomach and she can roll from her stomach to her back now. She gives lots of smiles and "talks" with all kinds of different little sounds. She even has a really dorky laugh! She looks at her hands now and loves trying to reach for hanging toys. Patrick finished his last classes and graduated! We celebrated early with dinner at Stonewood Grill after his last final. He was visited by the "Car Guy Fairies" the night before graduation and they left little easter eggs filled with money to spend on his poor neglected cars. He is excited to be done with school because now he will have more time to work on them.

Grampa talking with Everett

Dinner out to celebrate Patrick finishing school!

Playtime with Grama

Strong girl

Birthday fun with Jenny and Maggie

Introduction to Waffle House

It's a little crowded in there