Sunday, July 31, 2011


Our trip out west and the birth of Oona's son Max were definitely the highlights of the month.
Replacing the septic system and Laura's wrist surgery to remove the ganglion cyst were the low points.

It's been really hot out but we've been managing to beat the heat by swimming in friends' pools. Everett even has her own itty bitty pool.

Everett is 4 months old and has changed a lot this month: she has gone from the Bumbo seat to the regular table seat and she can sit up on her own now. She can lie on her back and grab her feet. She can ride in the umbrella stroller now too. She is officially ticklish now. She had her first cold in mid July but didn't really get very sick. At her 4 month check up with Dr. Benton she weighed 16.5 pounds (92nd percentile), and measured 25.5 inches tall (89th percentile)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Planes, trains and automobiles (and boats): Volume 3; Our trip to Seattle July 8th - 10th 2011

Everett's first train ride was from Portland to Seattle. We were sitting across from a couple about to bike from Seattle to Portland (the "STP") in one day the following day. Everett (and Daddy) finally caught a nap on the train.

We spent a lazy afternoon with Mike and Hank. Patrick and Hank took in the view of Lake Washington from the deck. Two cool guys hangin' out.

Mike was captain, and Hank first mate of course, for an evening on the electric boat on Lake Union. We drank wine, ate munchies, saw sea planes land, toured the house boats and even checked out the working docks where the big crab boats dock.

Everett's first boat ride

We were lucky to have our visit coincide with the Village Olympics, a day of games that Mike and Casey's friends take turns hosting. This year it was Amazing Race held in Medrona at Edie and Brian's new house. There was a scavenger hunt across the neighborhood, a cornhole tournament, a cooking contest, a block structure building contest and trivia. We had a disappointing finish overall but placed second in the cooking contest with our peach tart.

Everett playing with nature.

Abbra ca-dabbra!

We got into the costume box at Edie and Brian's

The last morning before heading home to Florida.

Planes, trains and automobiles (and boats): Volume 2; Our trip to Portland July 5th - 8th 2011

We took a prop plane from Boise to Portland on July 5th. We spent the afternoon finally getting a shower after days in the mountains and relaxing with Grandma, Stef, Lucy and TJ. Nathan joined us for pizza dinner and an episode of Top Gear before bedtime.

Hanging out in the back yard with Uncle TJ. We spent the day getting ready to grill with some old friends of Patrick's. Patrick needed a hair cut and Laura lucked into a free facial at the beauty school.

Dawn, who patrick hadn't seen in 16 years, and Steve came by to reminisce about their days in the Air Force together. Dawn was pregnant with her second child and Steve is expecting his first. It was amazing weather to spend the afternoon outside. A welcomed break from the heat of Florida.
Linda took us the the Portland art museum for a special exhibit on rare cars.

They had a Tucker which was Patrick's favorite because of the history behind that car.

Lucy was really great with Everett, sharing her toys and offering her a ride in her red car. Stef was due with Alden on the 8th, the day we were leaving. We'll have to meet him next time.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Planes, trains and automobiles (and boats): Volume 1; Our trip to Boise and the Blue Mountains July 1st - 5th 2011

Everett did great on her first plane ride. She was a champ for all 5 flights on our trip. We arrived in Boise after a 14 hour travel day and Laura and Everett were ready to crash. Patrick had reserved a room at the very nice and comfy Grove Hotel in downtown Boise. Patrick met Cody at the Rhodes skate park and they went out to the bars after to catch up. The next morning, Patrick showed Laura the house he grew up in, his elementary school, and other places from his childhood before heading to Oregon.

Patrick and Everett outside the general store in Haines, OR. Last stop for beer before heading up the "road" to the cabins. Looking pretty good for a guy that had a few too many last night.

Everett taking in the Blue Mountains for the first time on the way up the road.

The butt tree

This trip was really special. Everett and Cody both had their first trip to the cabins and Everett met Great Grandpa Aeder for the first time.

Dad's cabin. Complete with front porch rocking chairs, porcupine deterring metal sheeting, gold water fountain, creek cooled refrigerator and stained glass outhouse window.

The Silvertip Cabin, aka the cabin behind the rock, estimated to be 100 years old. The mission for this trip was to help Aunt Sandy and Uncle Dave, guided by Moby, to move and restore the cabin on higher ground.

To replace old logs that weren't gonna make it, standing dead trees had to be felled, carried and loaded onto to a truck. Uncle Pat, Grandpa Rick, Joe and cousin Reuben.

Then they had to be unloaded and the bark peeled from them with special blades.

Moby patiently taught us how to scribe the notches.

Patrick even got to carefully chainsaw a groove in one of the logs.

Everybody pitched in, including Aunt Sandy, Uncle Dave, Moby, Grandpa Rick, Uncle Pat, Aunt Michelle, Aunt Janet, Doug, Reuben, Darci, Joe, Lisa, Cousin Davie, and Cody

Not bad for a few days work.

Everett spent a lot of time in the moby wrap and seemed content enjoying being outdoors. The Aunts also liked holding her, which gave Laura a chance to work on the cabin.

It's hard work watching people build a log cabin.

Morning in the cabin. Cooking breakfast on the propane stove was a welcomed chance to warm up the cabin after the chilly nights.

There were so many people up at the same time this year it made for a nice fourth of July family reunion around the campfire at Aunt Karen's cabin at the number 1 mine. We got to meet Davie's wife Kim and their kiddos. Their daughter Ashley was quite interested in Everett. Also got to talk pregnancy and babies with Darci who is due in July.

Patrick, Cody and Davie hiked to the Upper Meadows. Rock Creek was really high from all the snowfall, which made creek crossings tricky. They hiked through a good amount of snow, especially because they hiked further up then they meant to as the snow obscured the turn off to the meadow. They saw Elk tracks in the snow as big as Cody's foot. They fished in the meadow which was almost a marsh from the water of the swollen creek. Cody managed to lose himself on the way back but showed up not too much later only slightly worse for the wear.

One of my favorite people in one of my favorite places.

Uncle Pat's cabin. Pat and Michelle repainted and remodeled inside a bit this year.