Thursday, August 21, 2008

Going Going Back Back to Cali, Cali....

This trip was so much fun. We really appreciate everyone we got the opportunity to spend some time with. We miss you all. Speacial thanks to the Sue and the Bhavesh for allowing us to crash at their house for the week, it was great. You have our number. Consider this and open invitation to come visit us in Florida anytime. If you all want to get together and move here we will personally fly over and help you pack.

Laura and her Mom

Laura is a terror on the tractor. Just last week she finally cut it a little too close to a tree and had to call in the tow truck (yours truly) to get it unstuck. Luckily neither the tree or the tractor were hurt. Laura came out unshaken by the close call and peeled out just after I got her untangled. Fastest cutter this side of the Mississippi. That grass sure looks good.

Laura's Mom has been coming over to help us out with the landscaping. They really seem to enjoy the time they are spending together. From what I understand you have to worry more about stopping things from growing more than getting it to grow. Must be that humidity.

Vegas Baby!

Went to Vegas for a few days with some of my favorite people. Loved every minute of it.

Kitchen Remodel

Laura and her Mom went for it again in the kitchen. They did a great job. We took out the old fluorescent and and replaced them with some track. Looks a lot better. I will have to take full responsibility for the color. Go Gators!!