Saturday, February 18, 2012

January 2012

January was an exciting month. Everett turned 10 months old! She started clapping, drinking from a straw, stacking rings and blocks, putting puzzle shapes in and cruising and then WALKING!! Grama bought her her first little pair of stride rite shoes: brown with little pink hearts. She got her sixth tooth and the orthopaedist said her hip x-rays look great which was good news! She's into fake coughing and thinks sneezing is really funny. She's become very attached to her stuffed white rabbit and takes Rabbit with her everywhere, usually dangling from her mouth by his arm. Needless to say, he gets pretty funky and needs frequent baths. She points at things and either asks "dat?" 0r demands "dat!" She likes to have a turn brushing your hair when you are attempting to brush hers. She says recognizable versions of hi, bye, dog, cat, dada, mama, yes, rabbit, more, that, and this. She has started going to the park and is getting the beginnings of an independent little attitude. Laura accepted an offer to work at a small private OT clinic specializing in Sensory Integration which will be a welcomed change from the big rehab clinic environment. That transition is planned for the end of May. Patrick put the finishing touches on the paint booth in the shop and Jacob started paint work, which will hopefully become steady and a source of a little side income. Plans for a new heating and cooling system and remodel of the old garage into a finished family room and half bath are in the works. 2012 is off to a great start!

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