Sunday, June 26, 2011


It's been a really hot June with several days over a hundred degrees. Everett got fewer stroller walks but with the dining room turned into a play room with a jumperoo, an activity seat, and lots of books and toys she's had plenty to play with. Patrick also hung her swing outside for when the mornings and evenings are cool enough to swing in the breeze under the shade of the oak tree. She has a pool float for dips in the pool to cool off. She's been scooting around on her tummy and can turn in circles, but only to the left. She's been enjoying being at the table for meals in the Bumbo seat and trying licks of fruits and veggies. She spends half days with Grama during the week and has been spending more time at her house to hang with Grampa and watch the Gator baseball team win their way through the college world series. We've had several date nights out including a night out to 706 and to see Super 8, at Satchel's with Jenny and Scott listening to Andrew Cook's band and a night out at the Hippodrome cinema for a documentary. Patrick has been busy at work and has been enjoying trying his hand at making android applications.

Everett loves to stand with help and is working on her sitting balance too.

My friend at work makes baby tutus!

Cantaloupe is Everett's favorite thing to lick. She grabs the fork and tries to gum it right off.

Everett has long animated conversations with her duck. She has lots of new sounds and voices these days.

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