Saturday, May 28, 2011


It has been in the 90s most of the month so we've been inside most of the time, but we're managing to have fun. Put some carpet down in the play room, formerly known as the dining room, so we have a place to lay on the floor and play with Everett. She likes to look at books now and rolled from her back onto her front for the first time this month. She reaches for your face if you lay down next to her and she can hold and play with (suck on) toys now. She has a stuffed duck she likes and if she is grouchy or wakes up in the middle of a nap, holding that duck does the trick. Patrick is full time at work now and Laura went back to work at Shands part time on the 16th. Four hours a day isn't bad at all, especially since Grama watches Everett and brings her into Shands to nurse. We have it good! We had a few date nights and Grama and Grampa got some quality time with Everett. At her 2 month check up on the 10th Everett weighed 12 pounds 10 ounces, and was in the 97th percentile for height. By the end of the month she was almost 14! Oona had her baby shower the 15th. Maxwell is expected in mid July.

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